A bouquet made entirely out of – wait for it – organic rubbish

So, the last days of autumn are here, huh?

I wanted to celebrate them you know… In my own way! However, my loved ones sometimes have really hard times to understand me. I mean, my creative ideas, ha ha!

It all started last week when I was walking home. People were raking leaves into a pile and cleaning around one of the apartment buildings nearby. There were few dry brown hydrangeas lying nicely on the top of one of the piles (someone cut them and put in there that they would be collected together with all the huge amount of the yellow leaves by designated employees of municipality cleaning division). So… I took a few hydrangeas with me. And then it all started… Later I cut some completely dry tiny branches of hops (a twining climbing plant native to north temperate regions, cultivated for the cone like flowers borne by the female plant, which are used in brewing beer). It was climbing on the railings of the nearby house. I just loved them! I also went foraging in my area (actually, my grandma’s area, as I am staying with her at the moment in Lithuania) and cut few branches of trees which still had few yellow or brownish leaves hanging on them (I was lucky to do this few days ago, as now the temperature is below zero for a while, so, I mean, no yellow leaves left on the branches, I am afraid).

So I, basically, started to carry everything home… As I said, I am staying with my beloved grandma at the moment, and, I swear, she though I went crazy :DDD Poor lady could not understand why, let me quote her ‘I am bringing rubbish home’. She is very clean lady, her house is very tidy, and these dry branches and plants tend to break easily and make a mess, you know!

Moreover, I didn’t stop there! I went to the local flower shop and took some dry grasses and other dry plants which had been on sale (unfortunately, event dry plants which can be reused again and again at the end have their limited life span: after a while they start to break and, therefore, not to throw them into the bin the shop owner better makes a huge discount). I took these home too. If you could see my grandma, ha ha… Her eyes got wider and wider every time I would bring some more ‘organic rubbish’ home.

Well, it’s up to us if we believe our ideas or not. If an idea finds us, that means something, doesn’t it? So I didn’t listen to what others tell me and just followed this crazy idea to make an installation from something which basically is or at least looks a bit like rubbish already. At the end even grandma seemed to see my potential :DDD Yesterday she offered for me to watch a TV program about floristry and handcrafting. Or, maybe opposite, she decided that I am hopeless and my bouquet is terrible, so I must learn something from experts. I don’t know, she didn’t say.

So… What do you think?


Autumn bouquet made from organic waste (organic rubbish)


Autumn bouquet made from organic waste (organic rubbish)


Autumn bouquet made from organic waste (organic rubbish)


Autumn bouquet made from organic waste (organic rubbish)


Autumn bouquet made from organic waste (organic rubbish)

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