And the first place goes to… the paper heart!

As I saw the above photo I thought by myself ‘Damn, what a beautiful, simple and INSANELY cheap idea for the photo of newly-weds. Why I didn’t use it??’. If there is a wedding photo idea (of bride and groom) which you’ll want to steal I believe this one would be at the top of the list. And you can make the decoration for the photos (the red heart) by yourself within 5 minutes. If you have a sheet of beautiful red paper, of course. Otherwise you’ll need to visit the store of office supplies and grab the one. By the way, it’s better to buy the thicker paper.

Once you have your sheet of red paper all that remains to do it’s to cut the nice shaped heart. How to do it? If you have a printer at home the best advice would be to find the heart image from google and print it in desired size (for example, choosing the Full page option). When just cut the heart out. This would be your template. Put in on the sheet of red paper and draw around. Now just cut the red heart out and here it is! The first place winner in the wedding photos ideas category. Nice and easy, isn’t it?

If you don’t have a printer this isn’t the end of the world at all. We wan’t to make symmetric heart drawing by hand, right? Just take a simple white paper sheet and try to draw the one half of heart (the nicest in the whole world, of course). Start (and end) from the edge of sheet. The edge of sheet would be the centre line of a heart. Now cut it out and use as a template on the red peace of paper. Draw around once, then turn over joining through the centre line (the former edge of white sheet of paper) and draw around again. Super simple and symmetric, right?

♥ ♥ ♥

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