Green idea | Probably the easiest way to pack your wedding favours and gifts sustainably

Eco-friendly fabric reusable gift packaging with Eucalyptus and lavender. Romantic reusable sustainable gift wrapping alternative. Probably the easiest way to pack your wedding favours and gifts sustainably. Zero waste wedding
Photo by senteliaolga o

I woke up this morning thinking about making a difference. Am I trying enough? The Earth is polluted, climate is changing badly, mother nature is suffering. And probably you would agree, that it’s hard to decrease our impact on the environment. But it is possible! We got here because of our actions, therefore we can fix everything by changing our behaviour accordingly.

For example, wedding favours for the guests and special presents for newlyweds’ parents and bridal party is still a very popular practice all over the world. Whilst the question ‘how sustainable are your wedding favours and presents?’ is a super difficult one, the most important thing probably is not to buy something completely unusable, like, for example, some kind of meaningless plastic figurines. Food, or it would be more right to say, any kind of sweets are always a great choice, because the guests can simply eat them. However, the problem then arises how should you choose to pack your gifts.

You know, I had an opportunity to work in quite a few weddings already. So every time when there are nice paper boxes (obviously ordered and bought specifically for wedding favours packing purposes), after the reception they are torn apart everywhere on the tables and on the floor as well (sweets are gone obviously) and they go straight to the bin. Is it right? Just think about it… More and more and more trees killed and more and more and more waste created just for the momentary impression.

Is there a solution? Well, there is always a way to change everything! How, you will ask… Well, bloody hell, just avoid any kind of packaging which will create additional waste (if that is possible, of course). Other way is to use reusable gift wrapping alternatives (great for birthday and Christmas presents as well!). For example, you can use some fabric. Pieces of fabric can be later reused for packing again or, at least, for cleaning at home (why the hell not?, we all need to clean, no?). You can call this approach ‘a zero waste wedding favours packing alternative’.

Of course, you can always use recycled paper or newspaper to wrap your gifts. However, there is something tricky about using paper for packing in general: you must wrap your present super neatly, otherwise it will just look… not nice (if you know what I mean). Whilst with fabric, you just tie two ends together and …. taa daaaaaa! Rustic, effortless and glamorously chick effect guaranteed! Tuck a sprig of lavender, small branch of eucalyptus or other flower or plant matching your wedding style and you are ready to go.

Eco-friendly fabric reusable gift packaging with Eucalyptus, white flowers and red wood heart. Wedding reusable sustainable gift wrapping alternative. Zero waste concept. Probably the easiest way to pack your wedding favours and gifts sustainably. Zero waste wedding.
Photo by senteliaolga o


Who said that (almost) zero waste wedding is impossible? Actually, choosing zero waste options are not that difficult. Together we can change the world! 🙂

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