GREEN venue checklist (questions you need to ask to find out if the venue really implements sustainable policies)

What makes a venue green goes beyond the landscape and views.

– Mireya Navarro, ”Green Wedding: planning your eco-friendly celebration”

So I am reading this amazing book of M. Navaro at the moment. And, also, I had an assignment to make a venue checklist questionnaire for my course at the Academy of Wedding and Event Planning. So here it is what happened: both of these things inspired me to build a detailed (3 pages long!) green venue questionnaire.

Taa daaam! A sneak peek of the eco-friendly checklist:

You are very welcome to download the PDF version of this checklist to have it with you on your smart phone when you visit the site: download OSD GREEN Venue Checklist

P.S. It’s not very green idea to print it, but if you really have to, please reuse paper, for example, print on the opposite side of old printed documents.

P.S.P.S. I know, I know… Maybe some questions look like they ‘ve been given by a fanatic person. For example, maybe to ask about organic cotton tablecloths or landscaping with native plants requiring less irrigation is too much… But, on the other hand, why not? Every step towards greener world (doesn’t matter how small) still counts! And depending on whether you want completely sustainable wedding or just a bit greener shade than ordinary, maybe it will be enough for you if the representative of the venue will give ”Yes” just to few of these questions. However, if you are ready to look good, there are venues where even staff wears organic cotton aprons, so everything is possible!

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