Happy Palm Sunday! (a little idea for wedding photos in early spring inside)


Traditional Lithuanian Palm Sunday juniper bouquets

Today it’s a big day for the Christian world. According International Business Times, the Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where the crowds of people greeted him and spread out palm branches in his path. This happened about one week before his resurrection. Today Christians celebrate this day in joyful manner and take some branches of native trees with them to the church. For example, branches of olive, spruce, elder and others are used where palms are not available. Here, in Lithuania, we usually use the evergreen branches of juniper. It is said that this is quite old tradition. By the way, practically this is still winter here (it was snowing all night in Kaunas and I can see those beautiful white rooftops from my window now). So evergreen juniper usually does his job during Palm Sunday because there is a little greenery here in Lithuania.

Let’s unwrap the idea here. Yeah, that’s all about the juniper, you are absolutely right. Having your big day in early spring but desperately looking for photo shoot place with a little natural and green scenery? Try to find a juniper alley, hill or at least beautiful spot with couple these amazing evergreen trees. Just relieve your imagination!

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