Help the planet: reuse your old clothes… to decorate your wedding cocktails!

Well, it is not crazy at all! What about your oldest jeans you don’t want to wear anymore (from the times when you were still single, ha ha) and your husband’s denim shirt he wanted to get rid last week? Just cut these garments into small rectangular pieces and tie them to nice small glass bottles. Why the hell not??

Taaa daaaaam!

drink bottles boho style at a wedding reception party. help the planet - reuse your old clothes to decorate your wedding cocktails


You will kill two birds with one stone. Well, actually three birds: will save money, act environmentally friendly and could be proud of incorporating unique design to your celebration. Huh, quite strong bohemian vibe here! Can you feel it?

Well, also could be worth to think about old 100% cotton and linen clothes as  the best season of the year – summer – is slowly approaching! You can quite easily rip natural fabrics into pieces as well instead of using scissors to have a more relaxed, rustic look.

And for the end….

I believe that we really need to be more conscious about shopping.

Well, for example, the so called denim on denim look is still very popular, isn’t it? But did you know that ”It takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular ol’ blue jeans.” That would be about 8000 litres! And that is just in terms of growing cotton itself…. Later they need to dye the fabric and to wash the machines.

And in the meantime more than 844 million people don’t have clean water.



Let’s be more conscious!



Photo by eugenelucky on


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