Are you both the inveterate travellers or smth?

Wonderful tourist wedding couple kissing on the mountain peak

It seems like everyone is having holiday at the moment. Aren’t you? Then maybe you are getting married soon and people call you a passionate traveller? If the answer is YES, I guess I have a great photo shoot idea for you. Or maybe you have already thought about that? I bet you have. At least somewhere deep in your heart…

Everybody believes in something. If you are lucky enough then you and your man believes in travelling. It‘s a passion, not otherwise. And travelling is very beneficial. It‘s a part of education. You see a lot of different places and cultures, meet a lot of different people and find new friends. And that‘s awesome. The great Confucius once said that „Wherever you go, go with all you heart“. Isn’t that somehow ambiguous? Maybe it means that you have to take the one you love with you (if he has already taken your heart)?? Maybe it would be great for you both to find some beautiful place to get lost with all your hearts? Well, maybe, the three of you, because you have to take a photographer with you… Just imagine: both of you wearing wedding clothes with huge backpacks somewhere against the sun on Alpine countryside or maybe somewhere in a jungle paradise at the edge of civilization… What a unique wedding album would be! Just follow your instincts! (and find a little crazy photographer as well…).

PS I attached some beautiful photos from a photo shoot of wedding travellers below (Andrii Kobryn|Adobe Stock). Have a good trip, my dears!


Tourist wedding couple traveling in the mountains. Honeymoon at Alps


Wedding tourist couple with map coming up to the mountain


Romantic wedding couple lying on the grass in mountains


Romantic newlyweds walking against the sun on alpine countryside. Honeymoon

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