Let it rain on your wedding day

What if it RAINS?

Well then, let it rain on your wedding day!

It’s no secret that rain is something so many couples are worried about before throwing a wedding. Rain is a bugaboo for wedding planners as well. I remember being told at least few times during my course in wedding planning, styling and design that wedding professionals must have a weather contingency plan in place all the time, especially for outdoor weddings.

Being humans means controlling

That’s our controlling nature, you know. We want to control everyone and everything, no matter what. But life is not working like this. We can not really control sun, clouds of rain, vividness of rainbows and our partners. But what we can do is to control ourselves. We can control our own happiness as it is up to us to achieve it. Just look at these two:

Let it rain on your wedding day!
Photo by dusanpetkovic1 on stock.adobe.com

They are soaking wet (yes, the hair and bridal makeup are damaged, the newlyweds will also need to change their clothes). But look, how happy they are!!! Isn’t being happy the most important thing on your wedding day? And moreover, these folks will have exceptionally authentic, one-of-a-kind wedding pictures. And all of that just because they enjoyed the summer rain. Tell me, if you can not be happy with your lover when the rain starts to pour on your wedding day, how can withstand the serious hardships of life together?

Take care of your guests

Please let me clarify something. I am not telling you to organise an outdoor wedding and not to have bunch of umbrellas ready for your guests (just in case!). The comfort and happiness of your loved ones is very very important. What I am saying is just don’t be scared or worried about something you can not control. Embrace it! This couple did just this! And personally I can not stop smiling while watching their pictures.

What if it rains on your wedding day? Embrace it!
Photo by dusanpetkovic1 on stock.adobe.com


Totally wet just married couple walking on rain by drive road. Rain on your wedding day
Photo by dusanpetkovic1 on stock.adobe.com

Rain on your wedding day means…

Well, well, well, let’s pause here for a short moment. As all of us are superstitious (at least a tiny bit), I bet you thought about that supposedly negative meaning of rain on your wedding day while reading this post. Like that it means bad luck or something. Well, actually, in some cultures rain on a wedding day even symbolises fertility and cleansing. So, technically, it can be considered as sign of good luck!

A secret wish?

Oh, let’s face it. Many of us watch the scenes in movies when lovers kiss under the rain with admiration and even with a bit of jealousy. It’s something so romantic about it! And even if you can not digest romanticism at all, rain gives you excuse to cuddle. It is awesome (even from the point of mere pragmatism, ha-ha)!

Close up of just married couple standing outside in the rain and kissing. Emotional moment on their wedding day.
Photo by dusanpetkovic1 on stock.adobe.com


So, please, dare to embrace the rain! (just don’t forget to take the towel)

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