Let’s go foraging, shall we?

Go foraging, greenery decor for wedding
Photo by mashiki on stock.adobe.com

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard it but Ireland is sometimes called the Emerald island. It’s so green! And I must admit it still surprises me. Wherever I go, the thought ‘sooo green’ just keeps popping in my mind. Like yesterday, for example, while walking by the lake close to my home or last weekend on the trip to Donegal… It also applies to the term ‘whenever’, as Ireland is unbelievably green during autumn and even in winter months as well. I swear to you, even less used asphalt roads here become green because of nearly shocking accumulation of moss…

The other thing is that there are so many different kinds of ferns here, almost unbelievable! So when today I saw these pictures I thought it’s probably an omen lol and I must share them with all of you! I mean, I would be able to do pretty much exactly the same table set up right now if I would go foraging about where I live at the moment. Easy-peasy thing, I am telling you.

Shall we?

Although decorating your wedding day using the greens you’ve just foraged in your local area could be an extremely sustainable way of doing these kinds of things, please first check with your local authorities if there are any legal requirements regarding this activity. For example, maybe you shouldn’t pick up any plants in a particular area because it’s against the law. I mean, maybe those glorious ferns are under protection (it won’t hurt you just to double check, right?). And if the responsible officer gives a green light to you, well, enjoy yourself in the woods!

So, let’s go foraging then?

Go foraging, greenery decor for wedding
Photo by mashiki on stock.adobe.com

Go foraging, greenery decor for wedding
Photo by mashiki on stock.adobe.com

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