Ode to the bamboo plate

Selection of different plates for a wedding. The advantages of wooden (bamboo) plates.
Photo by wavebreak3 on stock.adobe.com


There are about 20 different types of plates on Earth. Why to choose the bamboo ones? Why should we consider them the best option?

Well, recently I’ve attended a birthday party where the disposable plastic plates were used. Wait a minute… Whaaaat?

Disposable plastic plates??!

I mean… I know these are very affordable and you can purchase them nearly everywhere these days but, seriously, can we pretend that two or three months later a nice sea turtle or dolphin won’t mistake that plate in your hand (ironically filled with seafood salad at the moment…) for the food and won’t die shortly afterwards?

Well, the good things about modern weddings is that more and more people are concious about their environmental impact and ask their food supplier what kind of tableware they are going to offer. Last year I’ve had three outdoor weddings and in all of them the bamboo plates were used. So some time ago to see something like wooden plate on your dining table was truly unique thing, but nowadays this is more common and I hope will become the norm. Why?

Because bamboo plates are completely biodegradable, non toxic, melamine and other chemicals free, naturally antimicrobial and, no less important for such a celebration as wedding, much more beautiful and stylish than plastic or paper ones. Of course, they are not made for those who are looking for fine dishes, but they definitely have their own appeal and would find their audience. Contrary to popular belief bamboo plates are quite durable as well, so you can certainly reuse them if you want! And the best thing of all, bamboo is the fastets growing renewable source! Do you feel me?? Want some more advantages? Here you go: green design, environmental consciousness and the use of sustainable materials are said to be one of the hottest trends of the year for architecture, interior design and event design. So we will definitelly see more sustainable materials used around, and one of them is the charming bamboo!


Wooden (bamboo) plates for wedding. Eco-friendly wedding
Photo by clfortin on stock.adobe.com


Single-use-plastics frequently do not make it to a landfill or are recycled. A full 32% of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging produced annually is left to flow into our oceans; the equivalent of pouring one garbage truck of plastic into the ocean every minute. This is expected to increase to two per minute by 2030 and four per minute by 2050. By 2050, this could mean there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.

[Source: earthday.org]

You know what…

The last thing the world needs is that plastic plate on the table in front of you!

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