On the bridge

wedding day in Budapest

What is the relationship between all these never sleeping capitals of Europe: London (sorry, it‘s the influence of awesome holidays I had in UK), Paris, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, Moscow, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, our bellowed Vilnius…? I bet you can offer lots of answers here. Maybe I am talking about heavy traffic, expensive accommodation or endless noise? I‘ll try to be more romantic here and remind you that all these cities are near wide rivers. So river is the relationship I am talking about.

It is not a secret that the first settlements were settled near the rivers. There were some important reasons for that: faster and more convenient communication, irrigation and sometimes even defence (in the cases of mounds near rivers). In the ancient times rivers had a religious meaning as well. Well, we all remember our teachers from school talking about the cradle of humanity – the valley of rivers Tigris and Euphrates, about Nile – the breadwinner of ancient Egyptians, about sacred Ganges and it’s impact on the world view of hindoo people, etc. So… Mother River for the long time was and in the some places of the world still IS the most important  object of everyday life. Of course as the time fled by the world’s rivers lost a lot of their old functions and were crossed by impressive engineering structures – bridges. Is it bad or good? Let‘s ask modern philosophers. But while standing on one of the bridges of great London and seeing how that turbid water of Thames river is washing the embankments of the city which once was one of the most important industrial centres of the world, I thought that… That this cold, metal monument that is elevating the achievements of civilization could be a great place for wedding photo shoot. Because you can find such charming bridges in all near river cities. And it doesn’t matter where you gonna get married – in New York or in Novosibirsk. After all, I believe that real children of city cement don’t admire luxurious baroque mansions, dull botanical gardens and those hay males near rural houses soooo much like those rustic wedding style lovers, are they? Also the symbolism here speaks for itself. Marriage it’s like the bridge to another side of life, with it’s peculiar joys and sorrows.

I guess you are already bored with my philosophic talks. Let‘s look for some photos. It‘s said that the view is much more powerful than the word, right?

P.S. Photos were taken in Budapest – the capital of Hungary which is often called as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. And this title is deserved, I think.


wedding day in Budapest


wedding day in Budapest


wedding day in Budapest


wedding day in Budapest


wedding day in Budapest


wedding day in Budapest

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