Quick one | Overgrown grass? Yey! Use it to create beautiful chair decorations

I know, I know… This one sounds very weird. Overgrown… Grass? But why not, huh?

To make my idea as clear as possible I need to introduce you with everyday life realities here in Spain at the moment. Adults can finally go out for a walk or to exercise outside during particular time slots as from last Saturday as the easing of lockdown measures finally started. So yesterday I was walking in the park nearby and I’ve noticed that the grass is craaazyyy tall, like 1 metre or something. Obviously, no one cared about cutting the grass during this particularly challenging time (and it’s completely understandable). However, my question here is, could it be possible to use that kind of overgrown grass to make some decorations. The answer, of course, is yes! Just how to do that in a stylish manner? I mean, after all, it’s just simple grass.

Well, please bear with me as I have something super cool to offer. As you already know, I am a big fan of sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to decorate your wedding chairs. So why not to make some simple yet beautiful DIY decor elements from these strands of tall grass?

Right, so all you will need to do is to make a basic 3-strand braid (each strand should be formed of at least few strands of grass) and make a wreath tying the brand’s ends together with beautiful ribbon (chose the one matching your wedding colours). Then using the same ribbon just attach your braided grass wreath to the back of chair. Taa-daaam!

Sustainable wedding chair decorations. Use overgrown grass to decorate your ceremony chairs
Photo by spaskov on stock.adobe.com

I am telling you – inspiration is all around us! Even if we are on unprecedented lockdown because of the global pandemic!

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