Quick one | Why not to use your canvas stand to display the wedding seating chart?

I have seen pictures from one wedding photo shoot recently where the groom was pretending (or not pretending – I am not sure, ha ha) to make a painting of the bride sitting in the spring garden…  And it is very strange because I’ve read this quote today:


Love is like a beautiful painting, painted with the colors of our imagination.

So I thought… why the hell not to use this painting theme for your big day? Just choose some details from painter’s world. How artistic and free it could be! Well, what do you think about using old canvas stand to exhibit you seating chart? So simple and easy to do! Just print lists of names for separate tables and attach them to the stand (for example, with vintage clothes pegs. You are not a painter? Maybe you can borrow from your family member or good friend. Seating plans printed on transparent plastic can be very trendy but is it really for you? Let me ask you… does it really express your personality? If the answer is no, maybe the trendy way is not for you.



board with guests seating cards is in the wedding banquet area and decorated with flower arrangement. Canvas stand with wedding seating chart


Enjoy the sunshine!



Photo by alexgukalov on stock.adobe.com


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