Seating chart on an old window panel? Oh yes, please!


You probably already know, that I am a huge fan of the reuse, reduce, recycle trio. So when I saw this picture, I knew I must share it with you guys, the like-minded people!

Isn’t this option of reusing old stuff one of the cutest ever?

Rustic Seating Chart with Floral Decoration on an old window panel.
Photo by Alexandr on

However, the funny thing here is that we usually have so may resources to use for decorations, but we don’t actually think about them as about decorative options. And that is quite sad. Today, when our planet Earth is suffocating because of fumes and waste we, humans, are producing, we should change our attitude urgently. You could say, that items (like old wooden window panels) left after refurbishing your house, are not appropriate to use for the big stage of your Big Day. It seems, that there is something shameful about reusing this kind of things and that this doesn’t fit for the wedding industry. But who actually said, that making the seating chart on the brand new acrylic, glass or mirror panel is better option? If there is at least the smallest opportunity to make less waste, we definitely should try our best to make it happen!

And, by the way, how charming is this rustic vintage window frame with table numbers and names written on the glass. This, without any doubts, have much more creative value and uniqueness in it than those now so popular custom made acrylic seating charts! Do you agree?

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