Sustainable weddings. History and current trends in eco-conscious choices (Free eBook)

Hello there!

I must apologise for not writing for so long! Job, studies and personal family affairs just took all my time. However, I hope that my readers will forgive me as I am coming back with something really big: a free eBook! You can read it online by pressing on the picture below.

Free eBook Sustainable Weddings

So why… ‘sustainable weddings’?

Because I do care. I care about our planet and public health. I care about polluted oceans and dirty beaches. I care about deforestation and loss of biodiversity. And because I care about climate change.

You think it is not connected with weddings? You are so wrong! Big events are generating crazy amount of waste and leaving bigger carbon footprints one can imagine. That is why it is important to make more people to know about it! And, on top of that, to inform everyone about the long history of green weddings (in general, this is the heritage of our ancestors!) And knowledge, my friends, is one of the most powerful weapon to change the world!

Oh, and by the way…

Sustainable or so called green weddings is said to be one of the biggest trends for 2019! Yes, I know, I know… We should not follow trends, we should create them themselves an blah blah blah….But you know what? I believe that in this case the most important goal is not to show yourself as a trend setter or super talented artist. More important is that as many people as possible would find out about this trend. Possibly they will decide to act more eco-friendly on their wedding day and, later, in their everyday life…

Everything depends on us! Together we can change the world!

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