The story behind this 100 % sustainable rosemary herb bouquet

Ahhhhh, the Universe is so amazing! Have you ever noticed that sometimes everything falls in place in that jaw-drop worthy, hardly believable manner?? Today my loved one Daniele (aka @danflorist) who is doing some garderning jobs around the area at the moment came back for lunch and brought a… rosemary herb bouquet for me! How … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Quick one | How cute are these miniature bottles of herb infused olive oil

You know me: I am rarely writing about guests favours. Why..? Well, I am considering them a luxury addition to the wedding itself and BGW is more about less extravagant, more modest and earth-friendly celebrations. However, I must admit that these miniature glass bottles of herb infused olive oil just conquered my heart! Ech, I … ♥ ♥ ♥…

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