Why throwing a sustainable wedding is like drinking a cup of salty coffee

A lot of people love coffee, but salty one…? Vehhh, yes? I mean, so many people are holding weddings, but why just a few decide to go sustainable? Executing an environmentally- and socially-conscious event is without any doubts an amazing idea. However, I must be completely honest with you: it’s easier said than done. Please … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Quick one | Overgrown grass? Yey! Use it to create beautiful chair decorations

I know, I know… This one sounds very weird. Overgrown… Grass? But why not, huh? To make my idea as clear as possible I need to introduce you with everyday life realities here in Spain at the moment. Adults can finally go out for a walk or to exercise outside during particular time slots as … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Let me prove that natural landscape is the best ceremony backdrop ever

A friendly disclaimer: I understand that a sustainable and eco-conscious choice not to use any kind of excessively decorated man-made ceremony backdrop (an arch, any kind of floral arrangements, a mandap etc.) is not for everyone and for some people the pictures I’ve chosen for this post could look like taken out of the context … ♥ ♥ ♥…

3 super functional ideas how to reuse those wooden crates

Oh yes, we all know that lets-put-some-wooden-boxes-here-and-there approach which was used so many times in so many weddings already. Basically the designer or stylist of the wedding just sets up a decorated corner somewhere at the reception venue: puts some wooden crates next to each other or on top of each other and enhances the … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Quick one | It’s about time to… prune your garden

I am in lockdown in beautiful Spain at the moment, so yesterday myself and my family we ‘sat’ by the Easter table via video call (many thanks to modern technology!). And my family was having a debate actually. They’ve been talking about the best way to prune trees and bushes in the garden of our … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Fearless, quirky, authentic? Oh yes, please!

Our world is extremely frightened. The outbreak of coronavirus is now a global pandemic. But (most people would agree with me, I guess), on the top of that, we are also encountering with pandemic of fear. Probably we already had the latter one long time before the strike of this terrible decease with which year … ♥ ♥ ♥…

The big magic of cold beverage dispenser

An inconvenient truth There are still many people who buy water in single-use plastic bottles every day. I want to grab and shake them asking ‘Why do you do like this? There is such a thing as reusable water bottle!’ But I guess that would be too rude… But I still can do something, no? … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Green idea | Probably the easiest way to pack your wedding favours and gifts sustainably

I woke up this morning thinking about making a difference. Am I trying enough? The Earth is polluted, climate is changing badly, mother nature is suffering. And probably you would agree, that it’s hard to decrease our impact on the environment. But it is possible! We got here because of our actions, therefore we can … ♥ ♥ ♥…

Why you should pick up a broken branch while walking in a park

Oh, by the way, I bet you would agree with me that this decor is quite seasonal, I mean, it's perfect for winter weddings.

Well, there are couple of reasons I can think about. However, to introduce both of them I have to do nothing but to tell you a short story (I am sorry, ha ha). We celebrated my grandma’s birthday two weeks ago. And old friend of hers came to visit us. She actually is my grandma’s … ♥ ♥ ♥…

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