Let‘s talk about harmony

I saw this photo and thought that it must appear in my blog. Want to know why? Because in it we can see such a harmonious couple. OK, from the first sight it seems that both dressed just how they wanted: the bride had chosen special ruffled dress with train (but I bet it was the dress she was desperately looking for) and the groom chosen „suit“ from pants, vest and simple white shirt. But where is his tie or bowtie (and I even don‘t ask about suit jacket)? And why, for God‘s sake, he put that strange hat? And… whaaat?!!.. couldn‘t he shave his face?! And that ruffles… Is the bride a cabaret dancer or something…? Or maybe she inherited this dress from her great grandmother? And that huge flowers on her head… OK, I hope you understand that I’m joking… After all, haters gonna hate, so such people just shouldn’t read any more…

Well… drum roll here… oh yeeees, these two beautiful people looks original and at the same time relaxed. Also their romantic outfits radiate harmony. Here conservative and traditional people should start to shout that they don’t keep classic style rules, do not dress according conventional standards, etc. Blah, blah, blah. Well, it seems that in Lithuania a groom without tie during official wedding part is still an equivalent to the end of the world. Maybe it is a relic from soviet times, I don’t know. But it is sad. The tie is classical attribute. Classics is classics. But red or yellow tie in almost every wedding… I don’t know! This also can be applied to the groomsmen.  I believe you can choose smart appearance instead of classical and even get married wearing a pair of jeans that fit just right if you want to do so! It‘s your life, you are living it just once, so…

But the main idea is not the unconventional and harmonious look of this couple actually. I‘m linking to another things here. And have chosen this untraditional looking couple for that reason. You know before my wedding last year my man came to me and asked if he can go to our wedding without any tie. And this question was so strange for me. I said „Yes, of course, if it‘s more comfortable for you“.  Well that guy in photo reminded me my man. I believe my partner can dress how he like (the exception is dirty clothes, I never tolerate that though trying to show my tolerance everywhere, ha ha). To say the truth I can‘t understand men and woman who try to enforce their partners what they should wear and what they shouldn‘t. How we can find harmony in our relationships that way?? How can your partner feel soul harmony inside after hearing your „I wont go out with you looking like this“ or „I wont get marry with you if you wear that thing“ and so on. Yap, you are beautiful couple but still two unique human beings at the same time! And we are talking not only about self expression but also about comfort. So don‘t you want that your partner would feel comfortable? So please try to get that devil‘s thought „what people will think“ out of your mind! Thank you! Everything is better than you don‘t give a shit about „what people will think“. Sorry, I became emotional…




Photos: © alexgukalov – stock.adobe.com

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