The big magic of cold beverage dispenser

Beverage dispenser for your wedding. Lemonade in a glass barrel. Flasks for spilling drinks. Lemonade glass jars at the wedding reception. An adorable summer lemonade stand.
Photo by Nadtochiy on

An inconvenient truth

There are still many people who buy water in single-use plastic bottles every day. I want to grab and shake them asking ‘Why do you do like this? There is such a thing as reusable water bottle!’ But I guess that would be too rude…

But I still can do something, no? I can speak freely here, on my blog.

So my topic for today is the big magic of beverage dispenser. I bet you thought that it will be a big magic of something muuuuuch bigger, not something like a big glass jar with a dispenser and a stand, ha ha.

So what’s so magical about beverage dispensers?

But please just think about it! A cold beverage dispenser is such a great thing to use for your wedding! You can fill these glass containers with dispensers with so many different kind of cold drinks, like fresh water with some ice, fruit infused water, fresh lemonade, juices, cocktails or even… even freshly made smoothies could be an amazing choice! To be honest with you, beverage dispensers is a perfect addition to any party or event. First of all, you will keep your dearest well hydrated. On top of that, it will be like an attraction point for your guests to meat and to chat while filling their glasses. And also you will generate less waste and help the environment. You can use tap water, or if it is not drinkable in your area, you are still able to make a difference. You can always order water in bigger containers. In this way you will avoid using small plastic bottles. You can also always order other drinks as well in bulkier packaging. As a rule, to order larger containers of beverage is always cheaper. Moreover, sometimes it is even possible to use refillable beverage containers as well. Actually, sky is the limit here…

Eco-friendly piece of decor

And, last but not least, adorable beverage dispensers with nice stands looks really decorative and eye-catching and can even become a part of your overall decor scheme. That is actually the big magic I was talking about 🙂 By the way, you can rent beverage dispensers or you can purchase your own and reuse, and reuse, and reuse them for your parties again and again.

Beverage dispenser for your wedding. Lemonade in a glass barrel. Flasks for spilling drinks. Lemonade glass jars at the wedding reception. An adorable summer lemonade stand.
Photo by Nadtochiy on

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