The most minimalist yet beautiful ceremony ever

‘Less is more

This famous phrase is associated with the German – American architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe (1886-1969). He was one of the founders of modern architecture and a proponent of simplicity of style. I must admit I always like this phrase. A lot. On the other hand, for many years I had this very much inconvenient feeling in my gut that everything connected with minimalism is simply… not enough. Or better to say, it’s not what broad society is used to. However, gradually I entered my own regime of minimalist, low waste living and created Oh Sustainable Day!. I educated myself and my mindset changed.

Just look at the picture below. Genuine happiness can not be created by any things. Less stuff is always better. Less stuff is always more, somehow. No decor elements, flower walls, expensive drapery, sea of candles and golden chairs can change the fact, that the nature is the most beautiful ceremony backdrop. And that the smiles of your loved one and your guests are the most beautiful things you can use to decorate your wedding.

The most minimalist yet beautiful ceremony ever. Hipster wedding ceremony outdoors.
Photo by By Serhii on

Yoga mats instead of chairs?

Oh yes, please! How cool is this! Easy to transport, yoga mats can be amazing solution to seat your nearest and dearest.

Are you worried how your guests, especially the elderly ones, are going to sit down on a mat? Well, you are not asking them to sit down directly on the ground, are you? But you see, usually we are worried what other people will think without the reason. However, people who love you, will understand you.

I strongly believe that the wedding industry made an amazing job through the last century trying to convince us that all the luxury is necessary for throwing a wedding. But if you want to have a more sustainable, minimalist wedding out there, surrounded by nature, there is no logic into transporting 100 rented chairs to remote location and after the ceremony transporting them back to the rental facility. The exhaust emissions of cars and especially trucks are composed of many different gasses and particulate mater. These are very harmful to the environment as well as to human health.

All that said above, isn’t it much better to make your life easier and your impact lower while swiping from chair rentals to yoga mats? You can always ask your guests to bring their own (and contribute to you lower impact wedding ceremony in this way). Or you can simply buy some new yoga mats and after the wedding donate them to the local school or gym.

I know, all of this sounds like a minimalist hipster approach. But I personally think we all need to think a bit hipsterly if we want to change the world!
Photo by By Serhii on

P.S. These pictures have been made in the Carpathian mountains (Ukraine). Beautiful, isn’t it?

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