The story behind this 100 % sustainable rosemary herb bouquet

Ahhhhh, the Universe is so amazing! Have you ever noticed that sometimes everything falls in place in that jaw-drop worthy, hardly believable manner??

Today my loved one Daniele (aka @danflorist) who is doing some garderning jobs around the area at the moment came back for lunch and brought a… rosemary herb bouquet for me! How romantic is that! And how eco-friendly!!! My talented man just upcycled some freshly cut rosemary branches after pruning a huge shrub of this herb (oh well, yes, any gardening, doesn’t matter how heavy one, is not going to make you forget you are a floral designer by destiny, huh).

I loved the bouquet as well as I loved his efforts to reuse things. And, by coincidence (or probably not) I had a lot of work to do yesterday so I didn’t, as usually, made a blog post for BGW, so therefore I was worried about that. But, here you go, as I said, the Universe is just f….ing amazing! The (very fragrant!) idea of a new post just came to me itself!

rosemary bouquet from upcycled pruned rosemary branches in the garden; ribbons made from old cotton scarf

Daniele was so eco-consciuos that he event used nothing but another branch of rosemary to tie the bouquet together (no string nearby, you know). However, probably it is not possible to give a bouquet in this state for a bride so we needed some ribbon. Of course, there were no ribbons at home. But I had something in mind! Oh yes, this old, boho cotton scarf with nice mini braided tassels at both ends:

It had few holes and marks already and I noticed I was not wearing it like for a couple of years already, therefore I was thinking for a while I should reuse it for some kid of wedding project. Here we go again: the opportunity just came by itself! So I just ripped the scarf into ribbons. Even though Daniele said that I went crazy, I want to believe, that my ”ribbons” happened to be not a lot worse than those expensive hand died, hand ripped silk ribbons, so popular on I will keep them and hopefully will think some other way to reuse them. Double reusing, you know, ha ha.

rosemary bouquet from upcycled pruned rosemary branches in the garden; ribbons made from old cotton scarf


As the bouquet is something beyond minimalism (I know it is not for everyone, but definitely -for someone), these braided tassels decorated with silver beads add a bit of interest and make the whole look a bit more dynamic, don’t they?


Oh, and if you are wondering what happened to the bouquet… I put in the vase on the bedroom table. And yes, the rosemary smell is just wonderful! Just don’t be jealous, OK?

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