To have and to hold in case it gets cold

This morning I made myself a cup of coffee and while swinging in my hammock chair I started reading a new book by Vex King. And, being a person who is almost always cold, I covered myself with a blanket (it’s that time of the year already, oh yessss…). By the way, what became a nice surprise to me was that the foreword for this book was written by Robin Sharma – author of the worldwide best-sellers The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The 5AM Club (I’ve read that one twice). He starts a short introduction to this book with the below:

We live in a world in need of more heroes, wisdom and love.

How powerful one short sentence can be!

The thing about blankets

After reading this I kept staring at my blanket. I’ve always been a big fan of keeping the guests at autumn or winter wedding warm by providing some throw blankets. But I’ve also been wondering what to do with such a large amount of blankets when the wedding celebration is over. I mean, let’s be honest, we could find ourselves with at least several dozen of these!

Keeping the guests at autumn or winter wedding warm by providing some throw blankets and later donating to those in need
Photo by gladiusstock on

Still swinging in my chair I remembered listening to the TEDx talk by Jacqueline Way the other day. She was talking about creating the 365give challenge – a way to be happy by creating a habit of giving and kindness every day. It all started as a personal parenting project between Jacqueline and her 3-year-old son Nic. I remembered the founder talking about the day when she and little Nic donated some blankets to a local animal shelter…

This is it!

This is what each of us can do with that pile of throw blankets after the fall or winter wedding… Donate to those in need, whether it be the lonely elderly, homeless people or rescue animals. Please, never forget that

You’re part of something special: a move toward living better and caring more.

– Vex King, ‘Healing is the new high’

Donate blankets to a rescue animal shelter after your wedding
Photo by  Javier brosch on

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