Who would ever thought that firewood is the coolest aisle decoration

Firewood at a wedding as a decor detail? Well, at least I wouldn’t. Except I actually did. Today, about an hour ago.

So the story began when I saw lovely Christmas sock in the nearby shopping centre just yesterday. Huge white hand-knitted Christmas socks! I told my partner that those would look super cute hanging on our fireplace but as the price seemed quite high we didn’t buy those cuties. And today he made my jaw drop. I was washing dishes in the kitchen and he came in smiling broadly and with those gorgeous stockings in his hands (when did he manage to buy those on the first place???). Therefore we hung them on the fireplace.

And by that time I caught myself thinking that maybe a stack of cut wood or firewood could be a really lovely part of a wedding decor. Each of certainly have seen lonely wood trunks used for this purpose before (at least once, ha ha) yet what about just firewood in a large quantity as a decor detail? And look what I’ve found:

Taa daaaaam – firewood for the wedding aisle!

Firewood for the wedding aisle decor
Photo by shunevich on stock.adobe.com

We are used to wedding aisles decorated with charming sets of candles and lush floral arrangements but who would ever dare to think that cut wood would look so lovely used for this unusual purpose. And the coolest part ever is that later this firewood could be used during romantic winter evenings spent together with your nearest and dearest.

Firewood for the wedding aisle decor
Photo by shunevich on stock.adobe.com


We won’t tell anyone about this piquant plan.

Snowflakes swirl down gently in the deep blue haze beyond the window. The outside world is a dream. Inside, the fireplace is brightly lit, and the Yule log crackles with orange and crimson sparks. There’s a steaming mug in your hands, warming your fingers. There’s a friend seated across from you in the cozy chair, warming your heart. There is mystery unfolding.

Vera Nazarian

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