Why throwing a sustainable wedding is like drinking a cup of salty coffee

A lot of people love coffee, but salty one…? Vehhh, yes? I mean, so many people are holding weddings, but why just a few decide to go sustainable?

A cop of salty coffee
Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

Executing an environmentally- and socially-conscious event is without any doubts an amazing idea. However, I must be completely honest with you: it’s easier said than done. Please let me explain why.

Firstly, you will need to spend more time researching. The number of venues and vendors/suppliers who are implementing the green practices are quite limited. This also means you will probably have limited options upon deciding to go sustainable on your wedding day. I bet you also want your day to be not only eco- and socially-conscious but beautiful as well (and to achieve that you will need to do even more research, as sometimes (however sad it might be), some eco-friendly alternatives really lack aesthetic charm). And on top of that you will probably need to be extra creative and original while looking for various items and products for your celebration. Sometimes it can even be more expensive than just to have ordinary wedding. Believe me, all that takes a lot of time, energy and requires strong determination. Add the stress all the couples usually live before their wedding and the preparation for the biggest day of your life can suddenly turn into the Molotov cocktail.

This is by no means an easy task. So, is it worth the hassle?

The answer is yes. (Don’t worry, my mind is bright, I haven’t forgotten that this blog is dedicated to promote the sustainable approach, and I am not trying to convince you to quit the idea of getting married sustainably)

OK, and how is this connected with coffee??

As you all know I’ve recently changed my blog name. However, if any of you ever tried to find a blog or business name, you probably are familiar with the turmoil and inner torture this process can bring. It’s soooo hard to find the name which in this Internet age would still be available and the one you would really like. So, it took me quite a long time. While trying to find that the-one-and-only I did something many brand stylist do: I’ve checked on the customs and traditions related to the subject. Therefore I dug deeper into the wedding traditions and cultural mores around the world. One aspect of weddings in Turkey captured my attention. This capture didn’t grow into the blog name unfortunately but it will live in this article though.

So, in many regions of Turkey when the groom’s parents visit the bride’s family to ask for the soon-to-be bride’s hand and blessings of her parents, the bride serves Turkish coffee with sugar to everyone except the groom. Why you may ask. Well, to check the groom’s character. If the groom drinks the whole cup of salty coffee without any complaints and/or making any faces, it means two things: he is ready to marry her, and he just proven his manliness.

While this strange tradition may look romantic to someone, some people probably would call it ridiculous. This is a cultural tradition, and we must respect it (we have some of these in every country, you know). I myself would like to name it meaningful. And to ask you something: as fearlessly drinking a salty coffee can prove your manliness,

What if throwing a sustainable wedding could prove your… humanness?

There is no planet B. We must strive to save it for other people.

Deciding to go sustainable on your wedding day (as well as in everyday life!) is not easy. But it is something right and truthful to be done. If these things would be easy, everyone would do it, you know. After re-branding and changing my blog’s name one of my best friends and one of the closest comrades in my life told me with caution: ‘But you know that people are not very interested in reading about sustainability, right?’ (oh, this person really is my practical voice, ha-ha). Yes, I know that these topics are not very popular. But I believe that each of us must strive to change the situation and to do whatever we can with what we have every day.

I would like to leave you with this quote:

Rather than passively accepting things as they are, we must embark on the challenge of creating a new reality.

Daisaku Ikeda

So, are you with me?

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